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Heritage Foundation Wiki

The Heritage Foundation: A Neoconservative Think Tank


The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank known for its research and educational programs in public policy. Founded in 1973, Heritage has played a significant role in shaping conservative policies in areas such as economics, healthcare, and foreign affairs.

Mission and Values


The Heritage Foundation's mission is to "formulate and promote conservative public policy based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."


Heritage's core values include:

  • Individual liberty
  • Limited government
  • Free markets
  • Traditional American values
  • A strong national defense

Research and Policy Work

Heritage produces a wide range of research and policy papers on topics including:

  • Economics
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Defense policy
  • Social welfare

The foundation's research is widely cited by policymakers, journalists, and academics. Heritage also hosts conferences, workshops, and other events to promote its research and policy recommendations.

Influence on Public Policy

The Heritage Foundation has had a significant impact on public policy in the United States. Its research and policy recommendations have been influential in shaping conservative legislation and executive orders at both the federal and state levels.

Heritage has also played a role in the development of conservative ideology and messaging. The foundation's publications and events have helped to define conservative thought and provide a platform for conservative intellectuals.


The Heritage Foundation is a powerful and influential conservative think tank. Its research and policy work has shaped public policy in the United States for decades. Heritage continues to be a key player in the ongoing debate over the role of government and the future of American society.

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