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What Are Morning Glory Clouds

The Ultimate Guide to Morning Glory Clouds: A Majestic Celestial Display

What are Morning Glory Clouds?

Morning glory clouds are rare, visually striking cloud formations that resemble long, horizontal tubes or rolls. They typically occur in the early morning hours and can extend for hundreds of kilometers in length.

Characteristics of Morning Glory Clouds:

  • Long, tubular shape
  • Parallel to the horizon
  • Move rapidly with high winds
  • Often appear in groups

Where and When to Spot Morning Glory Clouds

Morning glory clouds are most commonly observed in northern Australia, particularly in the Gulf of Carpentaria. They are typically visible during the late dry season (September to October) and the early wet season (November to December).

How Morning Glory Clouds Form

The formation of morning glory clouds is still not fully understood, but scientists believe they are likely caused by a combination of factors:

  • Strong wind shear: High-altitude winds from the west collide with low-altitude winds from the east, creating a wind shear that rolls up the clouds into tubes.
  • Atmospheric instability: The presence of unstable air can help amplify the updrafts and downdrafts that drive the cloud rolling.
  • Clear skies: Morning glory clouds require clear skies for the sun's rays to warm the ground and create the necessary wind shear.

Watching Morning Glory Clouds

Observing morning glory clouds is a breathtaking experience. The best way to witness these spectacular formations is to plan a trip to northern Australia during the right season. Several tour operators offer scenic flights that provide an aerial view of these clouds.


Morning glory clouds are a fascinating meteorological phenomenon that showcases the beauty and complexity of our natural world. While their formation is not fully understood, their unique shape and behavior continue to captivate scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. If you have the opportunity to witness morning glory clouds in person, don't miss it—it will be an unforgettable experience.


[1] "Morning Glory Clouds: A Rare and Stunning Natural Phenomenon" (Australian Geographic) [2] "The Formation of Morning Glory Clouds: A Scientific Perspective" (NASA) [3] "Witnessing the Beauty of Morning Glory Clouds in Northern Australia" (TripAdvisor)
